City Changers Global Membership Registration

CITY CHANGERS GLOBAL (CCG) is an interdenominational evangelical organization that champions collaboration between various churches and ministries to achieve a common vision of propagating the message of Christ through urban and rural evangelism, charity programs, crusades empowerment programs, minister trainings, and conferences. CCG began operations more than twenty years ago and continues the mission to date.

Crusade: City Changers Global hold crusades across the globe, preaching salvation in the name of Jesus Christ, to revive the weak and prepare the church for the impending appearance of Jesus Christ [Matthew 24:14]

Charity & Empowerment: City Changers Global extends the love of Christ to the poor and needy with provision of portable water, food, clothing, medical services, empowerment programs, etc. [Matthew 25:33-46]

Medical Outreaches: Provide medical services to communities/cities, medical supplies to local clinics and hospitals.

Outreach to Rulers: City Changers Global reaches out to the world with good news of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to rulers with prayer to ensure good governance and peace, as instructed in the Bible [1 Timothy 2:1-2]

Minister’s Conference: City Changers Global is committed to training, retraining and empowerment of ministers of Christ with the word of God, as iron sharpens iron, [Proverbs 27:17] 

Prayer: City Changers Global is God’s end-time army of prayers warriors devoted to pulling down strongholds of darkness to populate the kingdom of God and “occupy” till the appearance of Christ [Luke 19:13]

International Network of Ministers and Professionals: The international network of Ministers and Professionals is the synergy of Gospel ministers and Christian professionals for physical involvement to make transformation possible in their respective communities/cities.

APOSTLE MATTHEW OLUWAJOBA – President, City Changers Global

Please note that this membership is subject to approval of the City Changers Global leadership.